Urethral Sounding Guide

1. One of the most important steps with Urethral Sounding is ensuring that your toys are clean to avoid introducing bacteria to your urethra.
We advise using our sterile alcohol wipes on your sound before use.
Don't forget to let it completely dry before use!
2. Once your sound is clean and dry, you're going to need to apply a liberal coating of sterile lubricant to the length.
Pay particular attention to the tip of the sound and also apply more lube to the opening to your urethra.
Urethral Sounding can be done with or without an erection but a lot of men prefer to be at least semi-erect for ease of insertion.
At this point your electro stimulator should not be turned on.
3. Once your sound is clean, lubricated and you're ready to play then it's time to try inserting the sound.
Place the tip at the entrance to your urethra and gently push downwards. Most men tend to hold their penis in the other hand during this process for stability. If you're a first-time sound user then always start with the smallest available size (5mm in our case).
DO NOT force the sound into your urethra, you may feel a little resistance but if you're using enough lube then it should start to slide inside. Reapply lube if you need it- you can never use too much!
4. Slowly and carefully insert the sound into the length of your penis. Insert as much or as little as is comfortable*- the inch measurement notches on our silicone sounds will show how deep you're playing.
* bear in mind that for comfortable electro play we recommend fully inserting the sound. The smaller the surface area of the toy used, the more intense it will feel!
Gravity should do most of the work of inserting the sound, but if a small amount of pressure is needed, make sure to slide it in very gently.
5. Now that your sound is fully inserted, it's time to play with the electro. The reason we don't connect it straight away is to make sure that the sensation isn't too intense to begin with.
Connect the two pins from your stimulator (sold separately- all models are compatible with our electro sounds) to the base of the sound and turn the power on. Select your favourite mode and intensity and enjoy this completely unique sensation!
Once you're used to the sensation, some users may find that gently moving the sound up and down is pleasurable. Others masturbate with their hands during play and others will just enjoy the electro sensations without touching.
It's really up to you how you play at this point!
When you're finished playing you MUST turn off your stimulator before withdrawing the sound. Slowly and gently pull the sound out from your urethra.
After play (especially if you're new to sounding) you may notice some slight discomfort especially when you pee for the first time afterwards. We recommend drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated and this sensation will pass in a few hours.
The more you play, the less you'll notice this discomfort but the key is to take it slow!
7. It's the boring step, particularly when you've just had an epic play session, but cleanliness is vital for safe and sanitary urethral sounding.
After use, spray the entire toy with our sex toy cleaner and wipe all residue off with a damp cloth.
A final rinse in warm water is advised before letting the toy air-dry before storing.
That's it!
You're now a bone fide sounding expert.
Take things slow and at your own pace; sounding is a very intense experience (especially with electro!) but there's nothing else like it.
If you have any questions, please email us directly on info@electrastim.com