10 Things We Learned At Eroticon 2018

10 Things We Learned At Eroticon 2018

ElectraStim Europe

1. Eroticon is a unique experience, unlike any other show or conference in the adult industry.

Over the years we've attended plenty of shows- Erofame, ETO, Erotica, Sexpo etc etc- but none of them feel like Eroticon and there were plenty of nerves before our first time as a sponsor!

We deliberately didn't bring anything to sell over the weekend, (we offered demos and chats only) choosing to focus on building relationships. It's fantastic to see how much insight people already had. Not always about electro, but everyone has a familiarity with the industry and its quirks that you can't find anywhere else. Bloggers and authors are part of this industry on a mainly freelance basis so it was amazing to talk to attendees who understand the sex toy biz but who scrutinise it in a way you can't necessarily do when you're employed by a brand or retailer.

2. There are plenty of people out there willing to give electro a go. They just need a little nudge.

The reception to our demo table honestly couldn't have been better. Claire was run off her feet for most of the weekend chatting to everyone from electro-enthusiasts to those who were a little more nervous about trying electro for the first time. Our demos are simple but effective for showing people that electro-play isn't scary in the slightest. Plus, they're a lot of fun and we love getting out and showing people our products in person. Judging from the reactions there were definitely a few people who will be making use of the attendee discount!

3. The sex-toy industry has changed hugely in the last 5 years.

Claire: "When I first started in the adult industry 5/6 years ago, there wasn't enough importance placed on the value of bloggers. SEO was all about backlinks paying for banner advertising, but freelance writers never seemed to have much input into the way the industry ran. Gradually over time though, the more bloggers there were and the louder their voices became, the more it became vital to know how to speak to this unique audience.

Eroticon is a fantastic way to do just that and one of my very first plans when I joined ElectraStim was to make sure we were signed up to sponsor in 2018. Its already reaping its rewards just over a week later and I couldn't be happier."

4. Eroticon is special.

This sounds trite but it's absolutely true. There is no other forum for companies to interact with the end users on such a close level and gain valuable information about how to improve as a brand. Bloggers have a unique power in this industry and although we as sponsors are necessary in order to fund Eroticon, it's a small price for us all to pay to spend a weekend with like-minded individuals who really care about the industry and can give genuine insight into the shape of things to come.

Plus, we feel like we share a lot in common with the other sponsors. Our principles of quality and innovation are echoed by fantastic brands like Hot Octopuss and Mystery Vibe, our passion mirrored by Fetish.com and the fun, creative elements we try to add to everything we do in the same way as Doxy. Absolutely everyone who attended Eroticon to represent a company or brand did themselves proud and the 'sponsor gauntlet' looked amazing.

5. How to overcome natural introversion.

Claire: "This is a personal one for me. I'm proud of everything we do at ElectraStim and wholeheartedly believe that we make the best products in our niche. However, I am a natural introvert who generally prefers to be behind a camera or computer screen communicating to you all exactly why ElectraStim is brilliant. Attending Eroticon by myself involved getting out of my comfort zone and I couldn't be happier that I did. Everyone was so lovely and the atmosphere was incredibly welcoming. As soon as I did the very first demo I was on a roll and I have a new-found confidence and love of demoing that I never really knew I had!"

6. Your Words Can Change The World 

Girl On The Net said it several times (and we've got the mug to prove it!) and it bears repeating again. You as bloggers, authors and writers are already changing the sex toy industry with your contributions- no matter how small.

7. Make more time to see the talks

Note to self: next time make more time to see some of the fantastic talks.

8. Emmeline Peaches is more than a little arty. And ran 18.8 miles before Saturday began, so is also a superhero. 

9. The best people go to Eroticon. 

Eroticon seems to attract some of the most interesting and fun characters. Doing a quiet spanking demo and having a lovely chat with @DivaFoof on the @SheetsOfSanFrancisco bed was a highlight. Also spending time with the incredibly friendly and kind Tabitha Rayne and catching up with Nina Saini after nearly 5 years!

10. There is lactose in the coating on a lot of medicines like paracetamol. 

@MissEveBlogs you've blown my mind with this factoid which also explains A LOT about the inconveniences in my life.


Huge thanks and love have to go to Girl On The Net, Molly and Michael who are the superstars who put Eroticon together every year. It's a spectacular weekend and you do yourselves proud.


Check out info from past Eroticons and keep your eyes peeled for next year... www.eroticon.co 

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