Flux v1.1 firmware- MAC users and OS below Windows 10

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Flux Firmware Update

The ElectraStim Flux can be updated to the latest firmware version in order to give access to the latest features or fix any little bugs that may have come to light.

We highly recommend using our bespoke update software, but if you are a Mac user, you will need to use this method. 

You must follow all these instructions extremely carefully to avoid damage to your Flux

In order to carry out the update you will require an internet connected computer, your Flux stimulator, the micro USB charging/data cable and the reset pin.


Step 1 - 'Purchase' this free update above and complete the checkout process. This will download the update firmware file. Save the selected update file (Flux_VX.X.bin) to an appropriate folder on your computer for easy access. You can just leave it in your downloads folder if preferred.


Step 2 - Download the appropriate programming application called BOSSA from the list below. Ensure that you select the version that is compatible with your computer type.

Windows x86 (32-bit) installer: https://github.com/shumatech/BOSSA/releases/download/1.9.1/bossa-x86-1.9.1.msi

Window x64 (64-bit) installer: https://github.com/shumatech/BOSSA/releases/download/1.9.1/bossa-x64-1.9.1.msi

Apple Mac OS X installer: https://github.com/shumatech/BOSSA/releases/download/1.9.1/bossa-1.9.1.dmg


Step 3 - Unzip/extract the file and follow the on screen instructions to install the Bossa application.


Step 4 - Double click on “Bossa” to launch the application, and the following window should open. If the screen does not look exactly like the screenshot below, please do not proceed. 


Step 5 - Connect your Flux to the computer using the micro USB cable that came with the stimulator pack. The Flux will automatically switch on and go into charging mode as normal.


Step 6 - You now need to locate the Reset switch which is accessible through small hole in the enclosure as shown below. Gently insert the Reset Pin through the RESET PORT until you can feel some resistance and then push against it twice in quick succession. You should feel it click as you press it and if the process has been successful the screen will go blank and the green LED (see below) will fade between dim and bright repeatedly. This indicates that AXIS is ready to receive the update.


It is important that you use the reset pin provided with Flux to prevent damaging the internal parts of the stimulator.


Step 7 - In the BOSSA application click the “Refresh” button and then drop down the “Serial Port” menu and select the required COM port. If successful the buttons at the bottom will become active (grey to black) and the word “Connected” will also appear at the bottom.


Step 8 - Click on the “Browse” button and navigate to the update *.bin file as downloaded in step 1 and click “Open” such that it appears in the File pane.


Step 9 - In the Bossa “Write Options” check/tick the boxes “Erase all”, “Boot to flash”, “Brownout detect” and “Brownout reset”. See the screen shot in step 4.



Step 10 - Now click on the “Write” button and you should see another screen appear showing the programming progress as below. Click “OK” in the Info window when completed.


Step 11 - Your Flux should now have the new firmware update installed and be ready to use but it is advised that you click on “Verify” to make sure that the process was 100% successful.



Step 12 - Remove the USB cable from Flux and switch on in the normal way. Ensure that the start-up screen shows the same version as installed. You can now close the BOSSA application by clicking “Exit”. 


Important Note

If the above procedure is not followed step by step errors will occur so do not try to guess your way too much as this will likely end in failure. If you do have issues then close BOSSA and start again following each step carefully.


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